Work from Home

lisa b. has been working from home since the beginning of our little adventure some 20 years ago. Rem and I went so far as to repurpose our old barn buildings to serve as our shipping and warehousing hub. Although headquarters is based in Honesdale, PA, we also work with an entirely distributed team of talents. Jen, our ecommerce and digital marketing manager works her magic from the midwest, while our photographer Nick and creative director Anthony keep lockstep in the greater NYC area. Our shoe factories are in Spain, our sock factory is in central US, and our knit production is in Los Angeles. Whether we are brainstorming marketing campaigns around the kitchen table; photographing this year's offering on someone's back porch, or leaning on talented friends for advice and support -- here we are 20 years later, still hustling. Still grinding. And we wouldn't want it any other way.
What is old hat for us has become the latest HR trend due to the Covid-19 pandemic's effect on work-life around the world. As many have come to realize this past year, there are many benefits to working from home. But juggling work/life priorities can be tricky. So we offer some tips on how to make the most of your work from home scenario and maintain your balance and your sanity.
- Get dressed for work. Just because you can work in your pajamas, doesn't mean you should. While it seems like a good idea at first, it is not a sustainable practice for your productivity or sense of self-worth. Take our word for it! Put on your favorite sweater and your trusty house shoes or slippers. Or dress up your pandemic loungewear with a pair of clogs. If you're dressed to work, you're more likely to be productive and less likely to procrastinate. It probably wouldn't hurt to wash your hair once in a while either.
- Have a structure for your day and/or week, even if it's a loose framework. And even if you have every intention to deviate from it.
- Take lots of breaks. Most of us are sitting behind screens for a large part of our workday. It's terrible for your eyes and your posture. Give yourself permission to get up and walk away as often as you need to. Try stretching or some fast squats and lunges. (I sometimes do squats and lunges while I'm waiting for my coffee to brew.)
- Stock up on coffee, tea, honey, and make the most of your break ;) Savor the ritual of making a cuppa..
- One of the best things about working from home is being able to cuddle with your fur babies any hour of the day. Pets are the best sound boards, cheerleaders, and break buddies. If you're someone who has trouble taking regular breaks, your fur baby may provide the perfect excuse you need to take some time out from your day to relax, reflect, regroup, and cuddle.
- Surround yourself with beautifully made objects for inspiration, like the handwoven rug (shown below) made from upcycled lisa b. wool cashmere socks by our friend Annie Cadden of Fisher Cat Fiber Co.
- Surround yourself with color. It's called "color therapy" for a reason.
- Find joy in the simple tasks that fill your day, while keeping the big picture top of mind. Don't sweat it if you don't get everything on your to-do list done. Every little bit counts towards the big picture. Slow and steady, baby.
- Keep it human. Every once in a while, skip the emails, and pick up the phone to call one of your team members. Hearing someone's actual voice can do wonders for the soul and team-building.
- Say 'Thank you'...often.
Special thanks to our dear friend Ruth (@fremson) for capturing lisa b. in such a beautiful and thoughtful way.