Take a look inside lisa b.

When you purchase lisa b, you are supporting a small, woman-owned and operated business. Everything lisa b. begins and ends with Lisa Meszler. From her barn in Northeastern Pennsylvania, Lisa directs all product design, meticulously working with our American sock and t-shirt factories and our Spanish clog and slipper factories to endlessly fine-tune our lines of quality-made accessories. And whether it's an online order from our website or a wholesale order for a beloved retailer, every item is quality checked, every pair of socks is hand-labeled, and packed in plastic-free packaging with love by Lisa. She often handwrites a thoughtful note on the kraft paper wrapping. And yes, even the mistakes are from her hands to yours. All of this is done to spark joy. It's a forever wish that Lisa has been chasing for over twenty years. From the bottom of her heart, thank you so very much for the continued support.
Enjoy this gorgeous photo story courtesy of Lisa's bestie, Ruth Fremson.